The Work-Life Balance

In a recent podcast episode, I had a coaching call with Dupri Wells about managing your schedule, fighting busyness, and finding balance in your work life. Dupri has been a student pastor and currently oversees all next gen ministries at Church Unleashed on top of serving as an assistant campus pastor. If you feel like there is an unhealthy balance in your work and family life then this episode is for you! Here are three of my biggest action steps that you can take away from this episode: 
1 - Manage Your Energy
This idea isn't original to me. 

You can find out more about this principal in a book called At Your Best by Carey Nieuwhof. The idea is simple. You sit down with your regular work day hours and separate your day into three different categories: red, yellow, and green.  

Not all time is created equal. So, to get your time and work on the same page start scheduling your highest value work in your highest energy zones. This might mean pushing email to the end of the day instead of starting by clearing out your inbox. If you want to really leave work at the office and not take it home with you then crush your day by managing your energy. 
2 - Take An Hour
I recently saw a Tweet (wait...they're not tweets anymore) that said "A dead battery can not jump start anything."

What a powerful illustration. If you feel like your battery is drained because of the work load that you're under than one of the most helpful things I can suggest to you is to take an hour. Find 60 minutes in your week and do something just for you. Avoid taking a nap! Instead, go and do something active you enjoy that will spark some energy in your soul.

I specifically recommend that you try something that is a different "pace" and is in a different "place" to try and jumpstart your week. 
3 - Set Some Boundaries
Sometimes you need to say no. 

I get it. In ministry we want to be dependable. We want to look like we have honor for the house, belief in the vision, and a "we get to do this" type of attitude. 

But if you aren't careful you can get so busy saying yes to work and the church that you end up saying no to your family. Don't have a better plan for growth for your ministry than you do for your family. Don't work harder on growing your attendance than you do on growing your marriage. Don't spend more time discipling someone else's kids that you never disciple your own! 

Let's connect! I'd love to see how I can help you manage your energy, take an hour for yourself, and set some healthy boundaries.
Patrick Weikle

Patrick is a youth pastor, leader, and co-owner of Simply Strategic Ministry. Patrick has served in youth & family ministry for the past 5+ years at large churches.


Episode #008: Amos Rivera: Managing Teams, The Simple Creative Process, Writing With Elevation Worship