Five Politically Incorrect Ways To Avoid Burnout - Part 1

What if your burnout is your decision? In today's ministry world, we talk a lot about burnout. And for good reason, as I have written about here, the tenure of pastors is tragically short. But I think we've shifted the blame for burnout to the wrong place. Instead, I think we need to look at ourselves first: 


Here are five politically incorrect ways to avoid burnout:


1 - Don't put spiritual father expectations on a boss. 

82% of people quit because of their boss (or pastor). 


We do something even weirder, though. 👇


We expect our boss to also be our spiritual father. And when a "spiritual father" treats us like an employee (which we are), we get — church hurt. 


Wrong expectations > church hurt > burnout


2 - Be a healthy church member before an effective staff member. 

Are you in a small group? 

Are you making disciples? 

Are you serving without being paid? 

Are you praying for one another? 

Are you giving till it hurts? 


Maybe we should focus on doing the stuff we expect our people to do?


If you aren't a healthy church member first, you'll be a burnout staff member. 




3 - Don't accept a job you can't afford. 

Are you knee-deep in student loans? 

Do you have five children? 

Did you buy a car you can't afford? 


It's not your church's job to correct your dumb financial decision. 


You have to realize that if you picked a path that led you into debt, it's your job (not your pastor's) to get you out. 


If you accept a job at 35k, don't call it burnout when you get frustrated about making 35k. 


4 - Get a hobby (and a life). 

Ministry is a terrible identity. 

It's an even worse God. 


If all you talk about ministry, all you read are ministry books, and all your friends are other pastors — then you live bubble. 


Your problems are magnified in the bubble. 


Instead, get around real people, do real people things, and separate yourself from your church. 


5 - Do the basics you learned in the 8th-grade health class. 

You're not burnout. 

You live off Taco Bell. 
You stay up till midnight. 
You watch too much TikTok. 
You are overweight. 
You don't get any AM sunlight. 
You drink Monsters and call it.

Many pastors have burnout simply because they haven't led themselves first. 

What would you add? 👇

Patrick Weikle

Patrick is a youth pastor, leader, and co-owner of Simply Strategic Ministry. Patrick has served in youth & family ministry for the past 5+ years at large churches.


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