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From The Thursday Three Landon Reynolds From The Thursday Three Landon Reynolds

How To Make Basically Free Online Volunteer Training Videos

A lot of ministries can't afford TrainedUp, Ministry Grid, or Kajabi. Plus, most ministries do not have a videographer to shoot and edit if they could. However, hosting your volunteer training videos is essential to creating a scalable training system for your ministry. In this week's newsletter, we want to share with you how to make and host online volunteer training courses almost entirely for free.

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From The Thursday Three Patrick Weikle From The Thursday Three Patrick Weikle

Three Ways To Become A Healthy Leader

I've been in ministry long enough to know that our "why" can get compromised so easily. In the beginning, it was about God and serving people, but our "why" can shift to productivity, attendance, money, and influence. Now, none of those things that I just listed are bad. However, none of those things are a healthy "why" for ministry. I think that you need to work hard, be productive, reach more people this year than you did last year, and grow your influence.

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From The Thursday Three Patrick Weikle From The Thursday Three Patrick Weikle

Three Ways To Prepare Yourself (And Your Team) For A Tough Season

Here's a harsh reality: your ministry won't always experience growth. Your attendance won't always be substantial. Your team won't always break growth barriers. Your strategy won't always be effective. What do you do when a challenging night, event, or semester turns into a difficult season? I can promise you if you've been in ministry for more than a year, you know that a storm is on the horizon.

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From The Thursday Three Patrick Weikle From The Thursday Three Patrick Weikle

How To Deal With Ministry Stress

Does ministry ever stress you out? Of course, it does. Maybe it's how personal and pastoral life overlap or the burden for people's eternity. The weight of ministry is a real thing. If you lead in any capacity and make decisions, odds are you have goals to hit, change to manage, and complaints to deal with. Throw in long hours and ministry pay, and you have all the ingredients for significant stress.

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From The Thursday Three Landon Reynolds From The Thursday Three Landon Reynolds

10 Avoidable Mistakes Churches Make BEFORE The First-Time Guest Experience

Your first-time guest experience doesn’t begin at church. It begins far earlier. It begins on your website. It begins on your Instagram. It begins on your Google Reviews. It begins on your live stream. It begins on the road when people drive by. Guests experience your church weeks before they ever decide to show up in person physically.

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From The Thursday Three Landon Reynolds From The Thursday Three Landon Reynolds

Five Reasons Why The Average Youth Pastor Tenure Is 18 Months - Pt. 2

In part one, which I encourage you to read here, we look at five critical issues impacting the tenure of youth pastors. As you'll notice, many of those impacts were directly related to external circumstances. While those reasons are true for many, we cannot overlook the internal reasons why YPs leave ministry. I think we need to say "Enough of the victim mentality!" Let's look at the other side of the coin.

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