What Does An SGL Coach Do?

We believe SGL coaches (aka small group leader coaches) are essential for scaling your ability to train and lead your volunteers. Once the number of small group leaders or volunteers grows past eight, you are beyond the ability to lead them well.

SGL coaches are the leadership level within your team that allows you to multiply your impact across the ministry.

We say this (which we got from Eric Geiger’s book Designed to Lead) that…

Volunteers lead themselves

Leaders lead others

Coaches lead the leaders

So, in a nutshell — coaches are the leaders of the leaders in your ministry.

But in today’s newsletter, I want to go deeper and share in detail what an SGL coach does!

The Three Responsibilities of An SGL Coach

Essentially, these three responsibilities create the role description for an SGL coach. So, if you are making a description on paper (which I highly suggest you do), then start with these three core objectives:

PS—The book Creating A Lead Small Culture highly impacted our thinking on this. You will see some identical language in the book.

Now that I’ve not plagiarized let’s continue.

1 - An SGL coach ensures their leaders are known & cared for.

Here’s what this means:

  • Connect with your leaders regularly.

  • Meet one-on-one with them at least once every six months for a coaching coffee.

  • Be aware of significant events and needs in their personal lives.

  • Care through prayer, service, and tangible support when required.

2 - An SGL coach ensures their leaders are trained.

Here’s what this means:

  • Do something every month to cue, train, and equip them.

  • Communicate and encourage them to attend and complete relevant training events.

  • Sit in and observe each group or area you coach at least once a semester.

  • Through our accountability workflows, ensure that each leader respects the process by holding your leaders accountable to their expectations.

3 - An SGL coach ensures their leaders are celebrated.

Here’s what this means:

  • Cue them monthly to share their wins with you and relay their stories to staff.

  • Through our appreciation workflows — encourage your leaders regularly to let them know you notice the great things they do.

Of course, there are probably one thousand other things that great SGL coaches do. But this is at least a start!

If you want our help building an SGL coaching ministry, then let’s hop on a call. You can schedule a free 30-minute coaching call here.

I hope this helps! ⚡️

Landon Reynolds


Episode #021: Brian Preston On Creating An Invite Culture, Giving Invitations, & Leading Hundreds of Students


Episode #020: What Is A Volunteer Coach? How Do I Begin Adding Coaches To My Volunteer Team?