How To Build A Rule of Life (Start Here)
The most important person to lead is yourself.
If there is one thing I’ve had to learn the hard way, it is that an unhealthy leader cannot lead a healthy ministry.
My question then is - what is your system to ensure you stay healthy as a leader? Because most of us have a system for training volunteers, running a summer camp, or planning a sermon calendar. But few have a system that produces personal health.
In other words - do you have a self-leadership system?
Introducing The Rule of Life
In my opinion, the best self-leadership system you could create is a Rule of Life.
John-Mark Comer describes the Rule of Life as:
A schedule and set of practices and relational rhythms that help us create space in our busy world for us to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what he did—to live “to the full” (John 10v10) in his kingdom, and in alignment with our deepest passions and priorities. - John Mark Comer
Throughout the centuries, Christians have created an intentional system for self-leadership by creating a “rule of life.” Pete Scizzaro, in one of my favorite books, The Emotionally Healthy Leader, describes a rule of life:
“An intentional, conscious plan to keep God at the center of everything we do. . . . The starting point and foundation of any Rule is a desire to be with God and to love him.” - Pete Scizzaro
My question is, do you have an intentional plan to keep God at the center of your everyday life? Do you have a system in place to make it successful? Does it actually work?
Over the past few years, I’ve learned that many people want a Rule of Life but do not know how to make one.
How To Build A Rule of Life? 👉 The Year-End Reset
Each year, I set aside time in December or January to re-evaluate life, set goals, and intentionally make plans for the upcoming year. I can honestly say it has become one of the most transformational yet somewhat simple practices in my life. The practice started in high school when my dad challenged me to set yearly goals, and over time, it has evolved into a full-fledged system to create a holistic “Rule of Life.”
Since the process has been so helpful for me, I wanted to share it with you in the form of a digital journal. Below is my proven three-step system that helps me build an intentional way of living. I call the self-leadership system the — Year End Reset.
The Year-End Reset is an annual spiritual practice designed to help you reflect on the previous year in order to craft a Rule of Life for the upcoming year. We hope that each person who journeys through the practice will build a more God-centered and strategically planned way of living.
I usually spend intentional time (usually in the week between Christmas and New Year, to rebuild mine intentionally. During my time, I create:
My goals for the year
My theme word
My rhythms, rituals, & routines
My prayer plan
I want to challenge you to do the same.
How? 📓 Get My Free Digital Rule of Life Journal.
To help you get started, I’ve put my self-leadership system into a downloadable resource for you! It’s called the Year-End Reset.
There’s no catch or upscale; it’s literally - FREE. I’ve used a version of this for the past ten years, and I’m finally sharing it publicly.
It’s a four-step process where I am able to:
RETREAT - Retreat to hear from God.
REFLECT - Reflect on the previous year.
REBUILD - Rebuild my rule of life.
REVIEW - Review in community.
In my digital journal, I outline each step in detail. And now is the perfect time to get started. Here’s how to get started.
The Strategic Plan of Action ⚡️
1 - Download the Year-End Reset
To begin building your rule of life, get free access to my digital rule of life journal here.
2 - Duplicate to begin editing as your own
The resource will be sent directly to your inbox upon completing the form. When this happens, open the file and click DUPLICATE to begin editing in Notion.
3 - Read instructions & begin your RESET
Once you have duplicated the document, then simply follow the instructions and begin our four-step process.
I hope after reading this, you will make the strategic decision to reset before you rebuild. So be sure to get The Year-End Reset to help you get started.