Five Decisions In 2023 That Had A Positive Impact On My Life

What decision did you make that had a MASSIVE positive impact on your life in 2023? 🤔 Here are mine:

1 - Created a personal prayer team

Do you have a team actively praying for you?

I started a group message called “LR Prayer,” which I called on multiple times to pray through specific things on my behalf.

In fact, the reason I am planting a church today is because of their faithfulness to intercede for me.

2 - I left my previous network to join a team with no connections.

I don’t think you will grow in your comfort zone.

I was in the same network of people really my entire life. And to be honest, for years, I was in my comfort zone.

Leaving my network to enter a new one with new values and new strengths has created a new level of growth in me that I didn’t think was possible.

My point is — get out of your comfort zone.

3 - Building a Rule of Life

The most important person to lead is yourself. So, what is your self-leadership system?

Last year, I formalized a process called the “Year-End Reset,” designed to help me rebuild my rule of life for the year.

It’s been deeply transformative.

Want access? Download the digital journal at the link in my bio.

4 - Creating “content to coaching” funnel

Creating content can help a lot of people while making a second income.

For example, I published a ton of content last year. My goal was to publish content that positioned my company (SSM) as an expert to drive people to coaching & online courses.

I can honestly say it’s changed our lives.

5 - Began regularly meeting with a counselor & coach

One of my biggest regrets is not having counseling & coaching soon enough.

A counselor helps you process the past.

A coach helps you build the future.

I now know I need both. And I’ll never go back to the ways things were.

What are yours?


How To Build A Rule of Life (Step 1 of 4) 📓


How To Build A Rule of Life (Start Here)