Ten Quotes From Jon Tyson’s Altars Conference That Disrupted Me

I am disrupted.

There is just no other way to put it. The Holy Spirit of God got into my business and disrupted me this weekend in a deeply holy way. The only way I know how to explain it is by comparing the feeling to my teenage years.

For example, do you remember the time you came home from your first overseas mission trip to a third-world country? Or the post-summer camp feeling?

Do you remember the disillusionment you felt with the American church? Do you remember the passion birthed in your heart? Do you remember the hatred you once had with your own sin and the sins of those around you?

All of those things, I’m still feeling after this weekend. I guess I’m convicted. Here’s why:

Leeanna and I just got back from NYC. We spent several days at the Altars Conference hosted by Church of the City NY and Jon Tyson. The conference focussed and prayer, revival, and awakening in our generation.

I’ve spoken at and attended a ton of conferences. But the intensity with which we were able to seek the Lord and hear his voice during this weekend was unmatched. I can honestly say I have heard from the Lord more in the past five days than I have in the last five years.

I shared a little bit about what God did in our hearts in my Instagram post here. But in this newsletter, I wanted to share with you a few quotes from the weekend that deeply disrupted me.

And hopefully, they will disrupt you as well.

Ten Disrupting Quotes:

I don’t go to church to be encouraged, I go to church to be disrupted. - Corey Russell

We don’t pray out of the poverty of our own experience, but out of the richness of God’s word. - Unknown

The fruit born of intimacy with Jesus is often what robs you of intimacy with Jesus. - Jon Tyson

Your kids will remember you tears for God more than they will your rules for God. - Corey Russell

Don’t preach from the word. Preach the word. - Corey Russell

God deserves a people who pay attention to him. - Unknown

We’ve seen the best church that man can build. It’s time to see what God can build. - Corey Russell

We need to stop medicating and anesthetizing ourselves from the pain that God desires to transform us with. - Corey Russell

Impact without intimacy is evil. - Jon Tyson

Tears are liquid prayers. - Corey Russell

Honestly, we are disrupted. And I’m so grateful we are. I highly recommend that you go next year (that is if you can handle a little Pentecostal glory).

I hope this helps! ⚡️

Landon Reynolds


Episode #018: Noah Herrin on Content Creation, Planting  Way Church, Becoming An Influencer & Holy Habits.


Episode #017: How To Build A Rule of Life: Strategic Self-Leadership, Part 2 | Landon Reynolds