Content Library

From The SSM Podcast Landon Reynolds From The SSM Podcast Landon Reynolds

Episode #019: Jon Rush from Elevation YTH on Training Volunteers, Creating Culture, & Building A Youth Ministry

Jon is the Youth Pastor of @ElevationChurch in Charlotte, NC, and is an expert in the intersection of youth ministry and online gaming. In this episode, @landoncreynolds interviews Jon on how @elevationyth trainings volunteers in multiples states and nations, their process for building great volunteer culture, and the systems that sustain a healthy ministry.

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From The SSM Podcast Landon Reynolds From The SSM Podcast Landon Reynolds

Episode #015: Patrick Weikle & Landon Reynolds: Leadership Genesis, Healthy Systems, Surviving Ministry

Healthy systems create healthy leaders. What do unhealthy systems create? In this episode, I sat down with SSM founder Landon Reynolds and had an open and honest conversation about the current leadership-producing system in the church today. Are we creating healthy leaders? Is the current system setting up young pastors to fail? If so, how do we escape that system and protect the next generation of young pastors and leaders? If you are ready to end the cycle of unhealthy leadership, then this episode is for you!

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From The SSM Podcast Landon Reynolds From The SSM Podcast Landon Reynolds

Episode #010: Stephen Webb: Hot Takes, Youth Min Culture, Church Planter Transition, Planting vs Multi-Site

Healthy systems create healthy leaders. What do unhealthy systems create? In this episode, I sat down with SSM founder Landon Reynolds and had an open and honest conversation about the current leadership-producing system in the church today. Are we creating healthy leaders? Is the current system setting up young pastors to fail? If so, how do we escape that system and protect the next generation of young pastors and leaders? If you are ready to end the cycle of unhealthy leadership, then this episode is for you!

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From The SSM Podcast Landon Reynolds From The SSM Podcast Landon Reynolds

Episode #009: Live Coaching: Marketing Your Ministry, Parent Meetings, Breaking Growth Barriers

Have you ever wondered how to scale your ministry and finally break your growth barriers? In this episode, we dive into marketing your ministry, parent meetings, scaling for growth, and more with Anthony Lucarini. Anthony is a student pastor in South Carolina and is in charge of leading the student ministry team at Low Country Church. If you want to break growth barriers and grow like never before, then this episode is a must-watch!

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From The Thursday Three Landon Reynolds From The Thursday Three Landon Reynolds

Five Reasons Why The Average Youth Pastor Tenure Is 18 Months - Pt. 2

In part one, which I encourage you to read here, we look at five critical issues impacting the tenure of youth pastors. As you'll notice, many of those impacts were directly related to external circumstances. While those reasons are true for many, we cannot overlook the internal reasons why YPs leave ministry. I think we need to say "Enough of the victim mentality!" Let's look at the other side of the coin.

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From The SSM Podcast Landon Reynolds From The SSM Podcast Landon Reynolds

Episode #008: Amos Rivera: Managing Teams, The Simple Creative Process, Writing With Elevation Worship

Do you lead or manage a staff or volunteer team? In this episode, we interviewed Amos Rivera about leading teams and making the creative process simple and strategic. Amos is the worship pastor at United City Church and has worked with Grammy-nominated artists, producing and writing music as well as designing graphics and websites. If you want to get teams and processes working for you and not against you, then this episode is a must!

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